Our Service Packages
We offer a variety of service packages catered to the needs of each of our clients. Here are some of our most popular service packages. As always, we are open to creating new service packages designed specifically for your needs and your campaign goals. Send us an inquiry or submit an application to find out more about how we can work with you to determine what services would fit you best!
The Basic Package is our most popular option, as it includes the rudimentary components of crowdfunding and allows you to run your campaign on two crowdfunding sites. This package includes:​
Pre-planning period for your campaigns
Pre-marketing initiatives
Advising/consulting on the landing page content and layout
Guidance with launching on two distinct crowdfunding platforms (one after another)
Social media marketing and media relations
Assistance with event and direct in-person marketing
The Extended Package is for those who want to take their campaign to the next level. With the extension options, we offer campaigns on three unique crowdfunding sites. This package includes:​
Pre-planning period for your campaigns
Pre-marketing initiatives
Advising/consulting on the landing page content and layout
Guidance with launching on three distinct crowdfunding platforms (one after another)
Social media marketing and media relations
Assistance with event and direct in-person marketing
Consistent updating and modification of marketing strategies
Campaign localization
The Premium Marketing Package is uniquely designed for campaigns that have already launched on a platform but would like guidance with marketing initiatives. This package includes:​
Campaign diagnosis and strategic analysis
Social media marketing and media relations
Content creation (videos, photos, viral media)
Assistance with event and direct in-person marketing
Consistent updating and modification of marketing strategies
Potential translation to other crowdfunding platforms